Signature Verification

At RAB Fintech, we ensure the authenticity and security of your transactions through our robust Signature Verification process. This critical step helps prevent fraud and ensures that all instructions, whether related to account updates, transfers, or any other requests, are genuinely authorized by you. Our team uses advanced verification tools and processes to cross-check signatures, providing you with peace of mind knowing that your financial dealings are secure and protected. By integrating signature verification into our services, we help safeguard your investments while maintaining compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Frequently asked Questions ?
What is Signature Verification?

Signature Verification is a security process to authenticate the identity of individuals signing documents, ensuring the integrity of financial transactions.

Why is Signature Verification necessary?

To prevent forgery, fraud and unauthorized transactions, protecting both clients and RAB Fintech Treasury.

What documents require Signature Verification?

Documents include Demat account opening forms, investment applications, transfer forms and other financial documents.

How does RAB Fintech Treasury verify signatures?

Our experts compare the signature on the document with the signature on record, using advanced verification techniques.

What if my signature does not match?

If signatures do not match, our team will contact you to resolve the discrepancy and ensure accurate verification.